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Live on toilet Lid of Bacteria and Virus

Live on toilet Lid of Bacteria and Virus

On a toilet lid(seat), there are about 710 thousands of bacteria and virus (3,800/10cm2), including Noro virus, staphylococcus, enterococcus, streptococcus, and pseudomonas as well as E. coli.

(Source: a Korean broadcast program in KBS)

The types of viruses and bacteria that live in the bathroom., feature, Induced disease and infection extent

Bacteria & Virus
Induced Disease
Coli form group bacteria
As an indicator of water, food safety, such as disinfecting, and its strong resistance.Cystitis, diarrhea, sepsis, diarrhea etc.

Strength very contagious
Noro virus
Regardless of age and can infect, Sporadic infection that occurs throughout the world.
Or transmitted by infected items is in contact with contaminated water.
Vomiting and diarrhea.

Strength very contagious
One of three bacteria that cause food poisoning.
Purulent, pneumonia, sepsis, pneumonia, etc.

Strength very contagious 


Endogenous infection by bacteria that as well as by the Minister of patients, patient or carrier and can infect from the hands of medical workers or medical devices, hospital environment. Recent antibiotic resistance problem deepens, thought this is that infection was caused by significantly increasing.
Abdominal wound after surgery or infection can cause abdominal infections (incision area during surgery). In addition, may cause respiratory infections and cerebral meningitis, endocarditis.

Strength very contagious
Still in domestic (republic of Korea) is executive director of vaccine being sold about this disease, and recently reportedly used to create vaccines in some countries.
Superlative impetigo and skin disorders, solo around pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsils in the respiratory tract infection and cause serious diseases such as cellulitis. Abscess, sinusitis, middle ear infection, mastoiditis, causing. Scarlet fever, septicemia and lymphadenitis in the secondary, myositis, may cause such as osteomyelitis, arthritis and meningitis.

Strength very contagious 

A person in mammals, including relatively common bacteria that can be exposed.
Cystitis, middle ear infection, cause empyema, and greater ill who thought this is an infection of a large share in the hospital inpatients.

Strength very contagious

Have you been uncomfortable when using public toilet?
Now, use a sanitary toilet having this UV LED sterilizer.

It will keep your cleanness. 


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UV LED Chip Providing (45x45mil, 60x60mil, 87x87mil, 2.8mmx2.8mm) UV A band, 365nm, 375nm, 375nm, 385nm, 395nm, 405nm

Chip for packaging customers We are providing chip for packaging customers and  the chip available wavelength is UV A-band (365nm, 375nm, 385nm, 395nm, 405nm) and UV B-band (305nm, 310nm, 315nm).  The chip is fall in the lateral chip, flip chip and vertical chip according to chip structure. Now we are providing only the lateral chip and flip chip only. ※ The packaging facilities is different according to the chip structure, so please  check it before inquiries. Chip Size  The below table of chip size is commercial products size, if customers want other size, please e-mail us. We can provide by demand on customers size. ※ Chip size unit: mm or mil(=1/100 inch) UV LED Epitaxy/Chip/Package products by wavelength

UV LED Package Products UV A/B/C band, 275nm, 305nm, 310nm, 315nm, 320nm, 340nm, 365nm, 375nm, 385nm, 395nm, 405nm

UV LED Package Products The package is divided into the packagesize(3.5x3.5mm=3535, 6.0x6.0mm=6060 etc.) and lens type (Flat type, Dome type). http://www.ericsong.co.kr/Package_EN.htm Replacement UV Lamp (Mercury lamp) to Exclusive UV LED Package The UV Mercury lamp has a large UV wavelength range and the case of UV curing systems configured 365nm to 405nm, but sometimes included 320nm to 340nm. Among the wavelength, sterilizing ability is 270~280nm most powerful, so it can use very safety without any additives. Also 365~405nm is using for lithography and curing of semiconductor, LCD and LEDs, it can replace to exclusive LED. Above this, using for curing of paint, glue and coating. 31o~340nm is using for vegetable growing and treatment of skin. UV LED Package List